Aldo Di Russo

The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.
Walt Disney
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A permanent exhibit in The Turin Museum of Natural Science. Winner of the Blue Genius Internazionales Medienfestival at Villingen (GE)
It wouldn’t have been possible to explain this great scientist’s theories in just ten minutes. So we came up with the idea of using his words to recreate the story of his anguish which led to new ideas. Being capable of changing one’s mind - like Darwin was upon returning from his trip around the world - is the starting point of one of the most important pages in the history of science, but also the reflection of his personality in a great civil lesson.
Darwin is the first content of a digital collection aiming to shed concrete light on the methods and processes that have led to the creation of today’s multimedia products. The goal is to promote and spread science and art and especially come in contact with the new professions operating in the field of cultural heritage to provide concrete contributions to Italy’s shared culture. Each creation in this field is an experimentation involving the integration of different disciplines.
The NRC’s Department of Human and Social Sciences and Cultural Heritage willingly collects and is home to experimentations and case studies for future developments.
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